Where do I go? If I do not know? What will I be? If I can't see the breeze? When shall I be, the heart that you need? And where will we be, the magic God sends to me? There is sunshine in each day, and I have moonlight in our play. And where we go, the hearts do meet, to be the greatness you long to see.
Great Spirits you gift to me and Great Angels you capture me and when I serve you, I will know divinity. And I will seek you to long with me. The days come home to me, to greet the night, to be divine pure delight. And my heart aches to be with you, the sun and stars that are so true. I am coming home to you my loves. I am going there to find the dove.
For peace shall capture all those upon the land, and we will be the heart and hands. I will embrace those who need. And I will try to be the best I can be. And when soldiers stand before me, I will hug them and show divinity. For they need me more than God (one by one instead of all, part of the pie, but we are whole, the micro), for they need me to be a God. For we are each a wondrous God, however it's the ONENESS (G_ah_d the voice of heaven spoken, but all together as One, the whole pie, the macro) that holds our hands. To be the servants to all eternity.
When we realize this, then we come home to you (Oneness of God). We serve the brothers and sisters too. We gift to them the heart of me, and then we sea the heart of me. For Grace is within me and I give it up, to fall down and pour it out. Sow you will know God loves you so, and I will serve thee, for you to know. I will serve you for all to know.
sung by white buffalo calf woman your twin deer mother, for the song of Heart for Cup of God.
“O Father if it be possible let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt.”
-St. Matthew 26:39b
Magenta Warrior, "If I am not Grace it is not me!"