Always with him (her),
never walked away from him (her)
always towards (the heart).
by Running Deer our Magic Heart of Belief
Aqua person, Rainbow Warrior and Mother to Holiness Elijah and Her Grace Charlize!
Charlize Sacred Song Blessing
Telling you in song, how to get along, my heart beats today, because I learned to pray. Showing God's glorious waves, coming out of me. I will be your part, the holy gracious part. God be good to me, help me feel the breeze. I want the world to know, how great my show can be real.
Holiness (David) Running Eagle Shooting Star joins in with the Sacred Drum.
There my song can dance, where others learn by chance. I will be their light. I will hold them to have sight. I will be a soul, where my brother knows. I will set my feet down on the red road street (law of love). Here I stand with you, when you cross the view. I will be the light, that shares a wondrous sight.
God be good to me, so I can catch the breeze. Following the flow, where all mighty grows. If we see the light (awaken), we may not live in fright, but instead we find our way, always looking for a heart that prays. And when my soul is long to be, in a heart that lives for free. Give it all you do, it's a mystic view. Sunshine come into me, I will hold you and set you free. If you follow your heart, if you show us your part.
Magic is a view, a place that is true. And my soul does want to be, a place that we do need. Give us all we take and offer this a plate, to those who need our hands of love, to stand for what we should. There is goodness everywhere, if you look inside your heart and not despair, instead have faith and love that gifts the sacred tender waves. Let us get up and dance today. Let us get up and feel the ways. Showing one stand is here/hear (sacred all around). One place is near. One thought is closer than you can compare. One (oneness) is the answer, when all does flow this way. One place we linger to play. Let us enter a garden the mystical way.
Holiness Elijah Sacred Song Blessing
Jump back and look forward. That's what I have a mind to do. Jump back and look forward, then I'll have a greater view. My wisdom does folly at times, I do know. I must rely on others to guide my perfect show. I am the heaven's pouring out of me. Let me fill your heart and relieve your disease.
Heaven guide me, to paradise my soul. I do know, how deep it grows. I will dance upon the springs, where the eagle flies and believes. My children everywhere, there are mountains in despair. I want you to bless it's sky, the tender loving alibis. Give my kiss to the world. Let them know, I am filled. I will shed light into the world, now they must follow (be humble to the great spirits) and guide their tears (follow the crystalline stone river).
Can you see, the magic of leaving a foe (walking home to heavens path, the blue road), but always hoping rainbows do glow (for those left behind). They don't walk towards the ones they love, because no one taught them how to pray. Show your heart today for them. Show them how to be in the wind (nose running, the bridge to the other side, tearing up). Know it's God inside of me, that is running free (tear up). (breath) And I know, I must fly, to heal the laughter filled with dyes (many splendid colors of the rainbow). And my soul begins to glow, to satisfy their hearts this way. If only they knew how to pray.
I want to be with you always, but I know, I must part my waves (tears, bawling). Mother (Mother Running Deer, whom he must leave for two months to stay with father). I will miss you sow. I will plant the world for you to grow (quivering crying lips, tears rolling the down the cheeks and tears over rolling hills do sow). And I plant the seeds of love. Remember my heart, I will fly like a dove (flock together). I will gather with you in my dreams. I will come home, you'll sea. Feel my love where ever I go. Know I am part of the sacred rainbow. And my soul, will be with you and all our foes (those who do not know to pray), to plant love and watch it grow. I sail with you ♪♫•*¨*•.¸ ¸¸.•*¨ *•.¸¸¸.•♥ over blue skies my heart is true. Don't worry, I will send my love to you. Just call me in the wind.
Days will turn to nights. I will jump back and think twice. I will carry a grand view, where heaven is part of this stew. Glory will be the day of my soul. Glory will find a living rainbow. And calling out to you, will be billows in the blue (heavenly winds). I love you. Yes, I do. I love you, surely you know this to be true. And my soul will be with you, in the wind.
White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings your Twin Deer Mother, elder crystal person, wakan iyeshka or holy interpreter. Holiness Running Eagle Shooting Star your Father Red Hand Drums, elder lavender person, Wicasa Wakan or holy man and visionary. Sacred Song Blessings for Holiness Elijah, lavender child and Her Grace Charlize, magenta child.
Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
Pray With Elders around the World

Sacred Song Blessings, gift all a good song, because you are perfect in all that does song. Our hearts reach into heaven, and we flood, with a sound, the music of Angels, that gift us pure sound. I want you to know, that you are part of God, the echo, that lingers till light hits the "Dawn". And we are the magic, that children who know, the heart always has pureness, like the blessed snow!