White Buffalo Calf Woman photography rising sun, Mt. View - Palo Alto, CA. |
When we are going to the place where the sun rises in our face. Morning Star shine so true because we know we love you. Thank you for bringing to us the true light, the place we share even in the plights. Yet if we look into the world, there are gifts that really share. One step two, three and four, all together we will open the doors.
We are the people who populate this world to shine our hearts and make us a deer (rolling over the hills or waves of light). Come and shine it true and blue, the hands of God that lives inside of you. Bring it out (the light from within) and we will find a way to bring in salvation to all we say. Then we shall trust ourselves one day to bring in the holy praised.
Each child has good knews, the hands of the greatness we did knew. We are treasures each and everyone, the land of the spoken rising suns. Let us bow and save our grace to show a perfect loving face.
White Buffalo Calf Woman sings
Gifted by Alightfromwithin.org Angel Services Around the World
Sioux Task Force and Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy
Jews for the Ark of the Covenant the Rainbow Promise
White Buffalo Calf Woman photography wet lands, Mt. View - Palo Alto, CA. |