Follow me to the deep seas (spiritual world of rainbow colors, numinosity). There we flow down a dark hollow narrow hole. And my life is but a river at your command (servant to thee). I understand. See the sunrise, over mountains they don't hide (mountains stand holy). They stand there, living free, always feeling divinity.
Catch my breath and deepen my soul, down a barrel and an open road (round in a circle). There a valley golden upon the land (abundance in brotherhood). I shall be freedom and have all I command (dreams come true). Glory bee, come watch the rainbow hues. Take a breath at established rows (perfection). Follow me and I will follow you flow. We will see, the dream that unfolds.
Take a stand and reach into a mighty hand (of God's Oneness). There be bold for all that is told. And I beseech you, believe in your man (physical world, luminosity), the colored rainbow (of the clan) for which it stands (believe in your fellow man, brotherhood).
Bow to me and I bow to you. Let us bee, a contribution of three (dream divine joy) and we shall glow bright as a rainbow. We shall live in man's best rib (breath and blood, the law of love displays the golden path). And there we know, over the rainbow. Black as night (heavenly embrace). There the stars go by. Black is the stream my heart always gives. And I slither about to and fro (rolling hills). I follow the snake where ever it's told (law of love).
Here my paw(s) and understand thee. I climb a tree to rescue thee (into heaven I climbed for thee, the path set me free, between the realms the trunk does flow, the body that always knows). I can see over the hills. I can jump. Oh I have skills (Jaguar). I am a striking repose, yet am temperamental hold (follow the love). We can (see) bee, the heart of you and me.
We can fly in the sky as stars, where meant to bee. And we are glorious still, because our dark match theirs. I am invisible (in the shadows). Yet I can see (from beneath the breeze ). I am darkness land (told as by story, embrace of heaven's heart that speaks). I am free. Heaven rescue me, hold me in peace. I am the Jaguar, the people who need (to embrace thee, do not forget thee). I hold you forever, remember us in your heart. Do not forget me.
Sung by White Buffalo Calf Woman and Sacred Drum by Holiness David Running Eagle, for the Heart of the Black Jaguar People.
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Sacred Song Blessings, gift all a good song, because you are perfect in all that does song. Our hearts reach into heaven, and we flood, with a sound, the music of Angels, that gift us pure sound. I want you to know, that you are part of God, the echo, that lingers till light hits the "Dawn". And we are the magic, that children who know, the heart always has pureness, like the blessed snow!