The blind does turn an eye, to be with love that is so sweet, but when we don't look at the wind, we are frown upon within. We must look outside to be with thee, to find the love of eternity, to go to realms, where others go, to be the size of the majestic snow.
The heart of one is beyond the song, but my heart listens to all out there, and when I'm done, I have no room, to be the heart of me. I must go down stairs where the river bares, the grief of love, that knows no fear, then all is washed away with love, where God has love inside to bear (the shining star united as one in the four directions).
I long to be with you and me, to bee the heart that is so free, but law must open up all to sea, the magic of God is divinity. But when I look outside of me, to reckon the vehicle to find the sun, I don't know who or what I am, and need to chime back home again.
There needs to be the grand stand, where my heart makes the upper hand, and then I will be the mighty man, who longs for law upon the land.
Sung by White Buffalo Calf Woman, your Twin Deer Mother who sings for Alexis "Blind love that never ends" for his is the wisdom of loving friends, and God helps him endure to know the Greatness of all the snow (the crystalline stone river from friends to relatives)!
Alex teaches us that blindness is not real love, but awareness brings real love. He (who) must make the stand, to be aware of those who break the law, (he) has the power, and must forgive others, truly deep in the heart. For it's the sacred daily fire blessings that release us from our bondage, where law of love is true (daily) forgiveness. Law is the stand. Rainbow warriors who stand their ground, is the law of love. He (we) can only be happy, when he (we) does law, to make the stand. Alexis is the Rainbow Man, with yellow, red overlays, where gray is the space of dreams come true. Welcome home Alex "Blind love that never ends"! Alexander is the "man's defender and warrior". Alexis is also Greek, the root of this name, where wisdom collides with the world around us all. Teach us how it's done Rainbow Warrior!
Pray With Elders around the World
Hear Your Relatives Perfect Flowing Hearts
Listen to the Blessed Rainbow Colors of the Four Directions
Learn Warrior Skills with the Peaceful Wisdom Prayer!Listen to the Blessed Rainbow Colors of the Four Directions
Sacred Song Blessings, gift all a good song, because you are perfect in all that does song. Our hearts reach into heaven, and we flood, with a sound, the music of Angels, that gift us pure sound. I want you to know, that you are part of God, the echo, that lingers till light hits the "Dawn". And we are the magic, that children who know, the heart always has pureness, like the blessed snow!