See you told, the ever bold, for the soul to rise in the wind. When it's dark and dank (needs purified), all we need to do is sank (bow down), down below inside where it's heavenly dance, the soul with romance. Come on out tonight, come out tonight, let us do the Ghost Walk tonight. Share our souls delight, come and bring it right, let us share the Ghost Dance tonight. Feel what's right, the soul wants to be twins tonight. Feel what right, the soul wants to know the flesh is right (everything is okay). Ghost Dancer, let the soul out. Ghost Dancer, let our heavenly souls find delight.
There we prance to know the dance of the soul of heaven come to turn, hold me close the thunder rolls the most, down to the sacred earth with it's rainbow. Ghost dancer, find my rainbow prancing with you. Ghost dancer, take my soul and melt my flesh to the true. I want to dance with you. I want to dance with you. I want to dance with you. The Ghost Dancer with a view (dreaming true blue).
Hold my hand and smoke demands, the fire within come out to play. And shake and moan, the scrolls come out to told, the sacred dance is on display, the Ghost Dance, the harmony of the soul in prance, finding rainbow colors, the buffalo rumbles and roars.
Ghost Walking, time to settle our debts. Ghost Walking, time to learn to forget. Ghost Walking, time to begin a knew/a new. It's time for us to have a fabulous view. Carry me on into the rays of night, to shine within to have a song. I will shine for within to bind, with all my relatives who learn how to chime. Ghost Walking, we are all in chime (each 3 day new moon dance and sing with us). Ghost Walking, let our hearts be bound to the sacred song. Dance and Sing, let everything breath. Hear the silence and drum that beats. Know your feet will carry you through, because it's a heart imbued, with the Ghost Walker, the holy spirit that flies from you. The Ghost Walker, the many hues of heavenly soon. Swoon with me, into the heavenly breeze. I am a star bright (a light from within, falling/bowing from heaven, a star is born). I am a waking moment of delight. I am healing from the inside out. It's my soul who needs to shout. Let my song sing, I will heal everything.
White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings and Holiness David Running Eagle Shooting Star Drums for the Katchee Tope wha: “the Clouds that Dance Ceremony” (9) The Ghost Walk, often misunderstood Ghost Dance. This New Moon Three Day Dance will continue each month. WE encourage you to join us around the world. To read more until we get a blog to share more here Thank you! For more questions please contact an Elder at or Blessings and Love!
[RainbowClan:929] Re: Moon Data for the Moon Dance or Ghost Dance
White Buffalo Calf Woman Sings: For the Hoops and the New Moon

Sacred Song Blessings, gift all a good song, because you are perfect in all that does song. Our hearts reach into heaven, and we flood, with a sound, the music of Angels, that gift us pure sound. I want you to know, that you are part of God, the echo, that lingers till light hits the "Dawn". And we are the magic, that children who know, the heart always has pureness, like the blessed snow!